The first band, The Parlour Suite, consisted of two individuals: a young lady who had excellent cheekbones and was reminiscent of Bo Derek; and a young man who was apparently sporting a broken hand, although no bandage was present. Their sound was sweet, and seemed to be a strange cross between Lucy Michelle and the Velvet Lapelles, and the soundtrack of Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? I loved the blow-Casio keyboard - always a classic and last witnessed at a Moss Piglets performance - but dude ended the show before she (i.e. the singer) was ready. I guess that hand must have been hurting.
The second band was The Entrance Band. I felt like I had instantly been transported into the 1970's, trapped somewhere between Led Zeppelin and Dazed and Confused. The music was excellently performed and the show was very enjoyable. I loved the white flare jeans, and didn't realize the gender of the bassist until a new friend pointed out that she was wearing fabulous heels. I have in the past enjoyed my share of "classic rock," and I promise that The Entrance Band will not disappoint if you see them and aren't totally against the genre.
Finally, Amazing Baby took the stage. I was surprised that such beautiful and layered music could come from such scruffy looking dudes, but they were truly as amazing as their name suggests. Between the fog machine and lasers, my visual sense was overwhelmed in the best way. My ears were feasting in layers of sound. Until I had a drink spilled down my back. Was it necessary to flash my middle finger so many times, to so many people? Doubtful. However, once I was pacified by a free drink from the offender's boyfriend, I was again floating in a sea of bliss. Amazing Baby doesn't have any more dates set up in the Minneapolis area, but I definitely recommend seeing them if you get the chance. You can even sing the harmony parts since they don't!
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